Thursday 25 September 2014

Raising Girls

I am a happy mom to three kids!  
Two girls and a boy. 

If you asked me which is more challenging to raise: boys or girls?  Hands down I think it is more challenging to raise girls. Overall we have easy kids....they love life, they are kind (most of the time) and they are easy going. So far, our most difficult moments are related to food.  We have two very picky eaters in the house but I don't get overly stressed about that. I know it will change some day. 

Raising girls is challenging.  I take on that challenge because I feel I am (mostly) a confident person. I know that being pretty isn't everything. Being a good person is everything. I also know that modelling behaviours is hands down the best way to get children to learn how to BE.  I am human...I am not always nice to myself. I have insecurities about my weight, my hair, my smile, my butt, my stomach, my feet (no I like my feet), my face. The list goes on but I TRY to be positive. I try not to complain about myself. I do have confidence in myself to be able to look and feel good but I also know I have so many other qualities that are valuable.  And guess what?  My girls are watching me...even my son is watching!  As parents, we can't escape. 
I guess I am lucky to that my husband loves me just the way I am. I wouldn't have it any other way though...

Despite what I say and do there is an outside influence that creeps into our household. My daughters are also learning how to behave from others but it is our job to right the wrongs and to talk about it and discuss why what they hear and see is good or bad. Positive or negative. Sometimes we need help with that. Today I discovered a source for inspiration. Something my girls (especially my youngest) can read and look at to help us along the path of growing up to love ourselves.  Social media can be a difficult part of raising girls but I take it more as a positive and it's really positive when we can share what we find with others.  Thanks to OttawaValleyMoms for sharing:

I am heading out to find this book. Actually I will get a few of them. 

And remember... They are watching us!  Our every move!  Ha!

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Back to Routine

We are back into the swing of things. The kids are in their school routines and a few evenings a week we are out to dance class, hockey... It's wonderful!  I love routine.
What makes me especially happy is reconnecting with friends that we have through our children. Our friends we have made from taking our kids to various activities and therefore spending quite a bit of time with them. I am also reconnecting with an old friend who now I see twice a's such a good feeling.  

We are much more relaxed this time of year and happy. 

Friday 12 September 2014

It's Renfrew Fair Time

Hello from the Renfrew Fair!  One of the most wonderful times of the year!  It's the first week of school but definitely hard to get into routine when we must get our fill of exhibits, shows, fair rides and fair food.  One of the best parts of the fair is getting to spend time with family and friends and having cousins all around the same age makes it even more fun!

We are all tired by the end of the day but not as lucky as wee Madison. She gets to fall asleep in Uncle Ian's arms.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Kitty Town

Being on a farm includes having a few cats. Over the years we have a few that stick around and actually become pets. They keep the mice population down (and enjoy a few birds, chipmunks, rats etc) and just hang out around the house. 
Strays and drop-offs arrive sometimes. They become part of the mix or leave again. Our children learn the cycle of life quickly with these cats with procreation happening and with the coming and going of felines. 
A few times a year we hear that soft meowing under piles of wood, in dark corners or in tall grass. The kids get very excited and spend their spare time looking for kittens or "playing" with them. This summer we have had two different batches of kittens from one of our cats that has been with us for a while.  The most recent batch has captured our kid's hearts...

These four little kittens make a total of nine cats that we have right now (I am NOT a cat lady). Jean spent quite a bit of time "looking after" them today after she came home from school. Most of the time we don't tame our cats but I am fairly certain as long as these little creatures survive, that they will be tame. All three kids are handling them and Jean and Alex think they like baths in mud puddles and rides down our slide. This could end badly...
It's pretty cute though. Anyone need a cat?

Tuesday 2 September 2014

First Day of School

It's the first day of school!

The excitement was all through the house this morning!

Grace is in grade five, Alex is in grade 3 and Jean is in grade 1. Time is flying through the school years but I am so thankful for that. Each one enjoys their school experience...let's hope this feeling lasts. 

Our bus comes 20 minutes earlier now but we will quickly get used to that and it will be nice to start the day at 8:30am. 

It's a busy week here with our local fair starting tomorrow. We exhibit crafts, produce and baking to make the fair even more fun. Our regular routine starts next week once the excitement of school and the Renfrew Fair is over. 

Happy First Day of School!